Dear Members of the Diocesan Family

Caution - Computer Virus:

I was made aware on Friday that at the Registry we had a virus in our computer system.  The virus relates to a zip attachment. 

Over the weekend I was advised that some parishioners have received a "curt" email from the Diocese, with a zip attachment.

The staff at the Registry are addressing this matter, however, if you have received an email from the Diocese with a message that is not our normal style and there is a zip attachment, PLEASE DELETE IMMEDIATELY. 

I thank you for your co-operation and understanding.

Blue Card Policy:

Please find attached the current Blue Card Policy and Flow Chart.  There have been a number of changes.  The Diocesan Council took advice from parishes, and also checked the processes with a few parishes.  I thank these parishes for their co-operation and the members of the Diocesan Council who worked on the current Policy. 

Please note the policy will now be administered at the Parish level.  The Diocese is to be updated as to who holds Blue Cards.

I also want to stress:

i)          It is the responsibility of each Blue Card holder to make sure that they renew their cards at           the appropriate time.

ii)         People who hold a licence but let their Blue Card lapse will have their licence withdrawn, until their Blue Card is renewed.

iii)         It is the responsibility of each Blue Card holder to notify the Queensland Government Blue           Card Services of any change of address.

Also included in this Bulletin are the following forms:

  • Blue Card application / renewal
  • Authorization to confirm a valid Blue Card
  • Exemption Card application

If you need to contact the Diocese in regard to Blue Cards please contact Mrs Janet Bryans.  (07 4771 4175).

Wontulp-Bi-Buya College:

At the moment Wontulp is undertaking a fund raising drive to maintain their programmes.  If you are able to give a donation please do so, by either of the following methods:

  • Send a cheque or money order payable to “Wontulp-Bi-Buya College” at PO Box 960N, North Cairns Qld 4870;  or
  • Direct deposit to:

                        Wontulp-Bi-Buya College

                        Westpac Bank

                        BSB:  704 901

                        ACC:  00002110

If making a direct deposit, please email the college to provide your details for receipting purposes.


This year is the centenary of the Landing at Gallipoli.

I support the initiative of the Australian War Memorial for its programme 100 Years of ANZAC The Spirit Lives 2014 to 2018.  The purpose is to help people understand the various theatres of war and those who have defended the freedoms we enjoy as a nation.


I had mentioned in previous correspondence that the Metropolitan, The Most Reverend Dr Phillip Aspinall would be the preacher at the Synod Eucharist, the Bible Study Leader and the speaker at the Diocesan Dinner. 

Due to circumstances beyond his control the Archbishop is now not able to attend.  At the moment I have a couple of people considering my invitation to be involved with Synod.


On the weekend Kidzlink celebrated forty years of ministry.  The forerunner to Kidzlink was GFS and CEBS.  It was wonderful to hear how people's lives were enriched and nurtured in the past and at present.

We give thanks for the leaders of the past and we pray God's blessing on the current leaders and for the future.

The Mission to Seafarers:

On the weekend the Townsville Station held its AGM.  2014 was another positive year for the Mission.  The Mission provides many services such as pastoral care, a canteen which supplies food, nick knacks and telephone cards etc.

I thank the Manager, Mr Graham Miller for his ministry.  Graham has been the manager for about sixteen years.  Also I thank Dr Peter de Jersey for his leadership of the Committee and his oversight of the various activities of the Mission.  The Dean, The Very Reverend Rod MacDonald, is the Chaplain and it was great to hear that there is an effective pastoral care team in action.

I have written before about the history of the Mission, starting in 1856/57, and now there are over 200 stations (ports) where the Mission operates across the globe.  

The Right Reverend Chris McLeod:

Chris was consecrated Bishop in the Church of God on Saturday 11th April in St. Peter's Cathedral Adelaide.  Chris is of Gurindji descent and his mother was a member of the stolen generation.

While the main focus of Chris' ministry will be in the Province of South Australia, I will be inviting Chris to the Diocese to provide leadership, train and advocate on behalf of Aboriginal people at the national level. 

We have a face to face Diocesan Council meeting on Friday 8 and Saturday 9 May, and I will be seeking the approval of Diocesan Council in regard to a Memorandum of Understanding in relation to Chris' ministry in the Diocese.

This is an exciting initiative and I ask for your prayers.

Youth Week:

Please find attached a copy of a Media Release from Anglicare Australia in regard to Youth Week.

Please be assured of my prayers as we continue to journey the Easter season.

Yours in Christ,


The Right Reverend William (Bill) Ray

Bishop of North Queensland



                     Sexual Abuse contact line:  1800 242 544   or   07 3835 2266


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13. Authorisation-to-Confirm-a-Valid-Card-Application_P3_(AC)

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