Atherton Tablelands

36-38 Alice Street, Atherton QLD 4883, Australia


Street Address: 36-38 Alice Street, Atherton QLD   4883
Postal Address: 36-38 Alice Street, Atherton QLD 4883

Telephone: 07 4091 4251 (please leave a message if unanswered)

Website: Atherton Anglicans 
Facebook: Tablelands Anglicans

This Ministry Unit includes the worshipping communities at St Mary the Virgin (Atherton), Holy Trinity (Herberton), St Mark (Yungaburra) and St Matthew (Malanda).

St Mary the Virgin (Atherton) - 36 Alice Street, Atherton 4883
Holy Trinity (Herberton) - 38 Broadway Street, Herberton 4887
St Mark (Yungaburra) - 7 Eacham Road, Yungaburra 4884
St Matthew (Malanda) - 5 Brown Street, Malanda 4885


Priest - The Reverend Alphonse Garimae

Warden -  Barry Waugh 
Warden - David Rockley
Warden -  Jacqui Gallo

Service Times:

Sunday 8:30am St Mary the Virgin (Atherton) - Holy Communion
Sunday 8:30am St Mark's (Yungaburra) - Holy Communion
Sunday 10:30am Holy Trinity (Herberton) - Holy Communion
Sunday 10:30am St Matthew's (Malanda) - Holy Communion

Meetings and Activities

  • Mainly Music, Thursdays 9.30am during term time;
  • Mothers Union Friendship group – meets for different activities.  Please contact the church office.
  • Busy Bee Op Shop, Malanda
  • Study groups/home groups – various times –contact Rev Robyn
  • Prayer meeting – Thursdays, 5pm, St Mary’s Chapel

Further Information

For more information visit the Parish website 

36-38 Alice Street, Atherton QLD 4883, Australia

Contact Us

Phone:(07) 4771 4175


Office Address:
St. James Place
155 Denham St


Postal Address:

PO Box 1244


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