Ministry Council
The Ministry Council is a committee that meets regularly throughout the year and reports to the Diocesan Council. The Diocesan Council may refer matters to the Ministry Council such as
- Sacramental ministry;
- Evangelism and Outreach;
- Christian formation, discipleship and stewardship;
- Ministry priorities across the Diocese;
- Ordination discernment process;
- Post-ordination training;
- Promulagation of "Faithfulness in Service" and guidelines for good and safe ministry practices;
- Ministry Development Officer and other Diocesan-funded ministry appointments.
For further information about the Ministry Council please refer to Clause 9.11 in Canon 3.
The current members of the Ministry Council are:
- The Venerable Christopher Wright
- The Venerable Annette Woods
- The Venerable Dr Rosemary Dunn
- Reverend Canon Dr Sharon Hayston
- Reverend John McKim
- Ms Jennifer Buckby
The Ministry Council recently updated the following Ordination documents
Ordination Policy - A Changing Church for a Changing World

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer - Day 27Read Now

The Anglican Diocese of North Queensland is a participant in the National Redress Scheme. Click here for information directly from the National Redress Scheme

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