Mission Agencies
Below you will find a list of mission agencies or individuals that we support. Left-click on the images to open home pages of each Mission Agency or use the email contacts for more information.
Formed over 30 years ago, this Fund promotes the Church's mission in outback areas by supporting clergy and parishes throughout regional Australia particularly the dioceses of North Queensland, Northern Territory, North West Australia, Riverina and Willochra.
Chairperson: The Right Reverend John Parkes
Secretary/Treasurer: Mr Peter Harcourt
Email: harct@bigpond.net.au
Nepali Family Project
Contact: The Reverend Digby Hoyal
Ph: 07 4095 2932
Email: digbyhoyal@aol.com
Address: PO Box 617, Malanda QLD 4885

Professional Standards Information Sexual Abuse Line 1800 242 544 (landlines only) or 07 3835 2216