Cloncurry /Julia Creek
92 Uhr Street, Cloncurry QLD 4824, Australia
Street Address: 92 Uhr Street, Cloncurry QLD 4824
Postal Address: PO Box 54, Cloncurry QLD 4824
Telephone: (07) 4742 2224
This Ministry Unit includes the worshipping community at St Andrew's (Cloncurry) & St Barnabas (Julia Creek)
In partnership with Bush Church Aid
Priest-in-Charge The Reverend Simon Owen
Warden Karen McGee
Service Times
Cloncurry | Sunday | 9.00am |
Julia Creek | For monthly service times (during the week) phone St Andrews Rectory, Cloncurry on 07 4742 2224 |
92 Uhr Street, Cloncurry QLD 4824, Australia