
5 Church Street, Gordonvale QLD 4865, Australia


Street Address: 5 Church Street, Gordonvale QLD 4865
Postal Address: PO Box 181, Gordonvale QLD 4865

Telephone: 07 4056 1716
Email: allsaintsgordonvale@bigpond.com
Facebook page: click on this link


Priest - Reverend Ian Lindsay
Priest - Reverend Kay Graham

Warden - Carole Luff
Warden - Norman Massey
Warden - David Haggith

Service Times

Sunday:  7:00am Prayer Book Service

Communion Service 
(Third Sunday of the month Morning Prayer)

Meetings & Parish Activities

  • 2nd & 4th Monday of the month:
    1.30pm-4.30pm Cards at the Church Hall (Euchre & Canasta) ($5.00)
  • Tuesdays
    9.30am-12.00pm Crafters meet at All Saints Hall 
    9.15am Know Your Bible Group
    5.45pm-7.00pm Table Tennis Contact: Rev'd Kay Graham Ph: 0427 325 088
  • Wednesdays
    9.30am-11.00am Mainly music at All Saints Church Hall 0-5 years children & parents/carers
    7.30pm Bible Study/Fellowship 
  • Saturdays
    9.00am Ukulele - in church hall. (2nd Saturday of month meet at Pyramid Residential Care Center at 8:45am).  Contact: Claire Manning Ph: 0427 341 917
  • 2nd Saturday of the month
    7.30am Mens Breakfast

If you would like any more details on these weekly events, please contact the Church office on 07 4056 1716.


Further Information

5 Church Street, Gordonvale QLD 4865, Australia

Contact Us

Phone:(07) 4771 4175


Office Address:
St. James Place
155 Denham St


Postal Address:

PO Box 1244


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