
7 Coondoo Street, Kuranda QLD 4881, Australia


Street Address: 7 Coondoo Street, Kuranda QLD 4881
Postal Address: PO Box 581, Kuranda QLD 4881

Telephone: 07 4093 8735

Email: wrightc@iig.com.au

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Anglican.Kuranda
Twitter: https://twitter.com/churchKuranda

The Ministry Unit includes the worshipping community at St Saviour's (Kuranda)


Priest-in-Charge Archdeacon Chris Wright
Reverend Edward Renfrey
Reverend Christine Grimwade

Warden -  Edith Audley
Warden - Robert Hughes

Service Times:

Sundays:   8:00am Holy Communion 
9:30am Family Eucharist 
5:00pm Evening Prayer
Tuesdays: 9:00am Holy Communion 

Sunday School

Our Children's Programme commences with children attending church for about 15 minutes of the 9:30am service before going downstairs to the crypt for a time of learning, then re-join the service. Please contact Edith for further information on 4038 1699.

Parish Activities:

Study of the Scriptures
Tuesday mornings at the Church after the Communion Service
Wednesday Home Group at Pioneer Close

Prayer for Families
Sundays 8:45am - 9:15am at the Church


Possum Corner Op Shop
Possum Corner is open from 8:30am until 12:30pm Monday to Saturday.

Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals
By arrangement with the Parish Priest.

Open Door
St Saviour's Church is open daily from 7:30am until 5:15pm 

Further information

For further information visit the Parish's Facebook page and Twitter feed.

7 Coondoo Street, Kuranda QLD 4881, Australia

Contact Us

Phone:(07) 4771 4175


Office Address:
St. James Place
155 Denham St


Postal Address:

PO Box 1244


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