North Mackay - St Ambrose
28 Glenpark Street, North Mackay QLD 4740, Australia
Street Address: 28 Glenpark Street, North Mackay Qld 4740
Postal Address: PO Box 234 Mackay, Qld 4740
Telephone: 07 4957 3341
Mobile: 0409 573 348
This Ministry Unit includes the worshipping community at St Ambrose (North Mackay) Holy Trinity (Mackay) & St Charles (West Mackay).
Leadership: The Venerable Chris Wright
Clergy for the Mackay Anglican Cluster
Reverend Henry Kennell
Reverend Nicole Vella-Power
Reverend Canon Ann Dittmar-McCollim
Reverend Keith McCollim
Reverend Janet Story
Office Support - Kristie Day
- Ed Bray
- Howard Frost
- Carolyn Ross
- Neal Muller
- Greg Williams
Service Times
Sunday: | 9:00am | St Ambrose Church (North Mackay) - Holy Communion - followed by morning tea |
Meetings & Parish Activities
Bible Study Group:- Thursday's 3.30pm
Craft Group:- Tuesdays (School Term) at 10:00am - 2:00pm
Education for Ministry:- Tuesdays (School Term) at 7:00pm - 9:30pm - (EfM) Contact Deane Bray - Ph 07 4942 1557
Mothers' Union:- Monthly meetings across worship centres in the Mackay district - Contact Deane Bray - Ph 07 4942 1557
How to find us
28 Glenpark Street, North Mackay QLD 4740, Australia