Pioneer Valley

11 McColl Street, Walkerston QLD 4751, Australia


Street Address: 11 McColl Street, Walkerston QLD 4751
Postal Address: PO Box 245, Walkerston QLD 4751

Telephone: (07) 4959 2208

This Ministry Unit includes the worshipping community at St Mary Magdalene's (Walkerston), St Mary the Virgin (Gargett), and The Good Shepherd (Mirani).

St Mary Magdalene's (Walkerston) - 11 McColl Street, Walkerston 4751
St Mary the Virgin (Gargett) - Mia Mia Road, Gargett 4741
The Good Shepherd (Mirani) - Alexandra Street, Mirani 4754


Reverend  Maggie Kirby (07) 4942 8949

Warden - Stephen McLaughlin 
Warden - Joan Steindl

Service Times

Sunday 9:00am St Mary Magdalene's (Walkerston) - Holy Communion 
3nd Sunday of the month 3:00pm St Mary Magdalene's (Walkerston) - 
(Sunday School on the last Sunday of the month as part of a family service at 9.00am)
Alternate Sunday 9:00am

The Good Shepherd (Mirani) - Holy Communion

St Mary the Virgin (Gargett) - Holy Communion

Thursday 9:30am Mirani Hostel (Mirani) - Holy Communion
Thursday 5:00pm St Mary Magdalene's (Walkerston) - Evening Prayer

Meetings & Parish Activities

Parish Council Meeting Time: Third Thursday, Walkerston 7:30pm

Op Shop - Open at Walkerston         Tuesday  10.00am - 2.00pm 
                                                                Thursday 10:00am - 2:00pm
                                                                Saturday 7.00am - 11.00am 

Further information

11 McColl Street, Walkerston QLD 4751, Australia

Contact Us

Phone:(07) 4771 4175


Office Address:
St. James Place
155 Denham St


Postal Address:

PO Box 1244


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