Upper Tablelands

18 Moore Street, Ravenshoe QLD 4888, Australia


This Ministry Unit includes the worshipping communities at St Barnabas (Ravenshoe), St Michael and All Angels (Millaa Millaa)

Street Addresses:
St Barnabas (Ravenshoe) – 18 Moore Street, Ravenshoe 4888
St Michael and All Angels (Millaa Millaa) – Maple Street, Millaa Millaa 4886
Postal Address: PO Box 309, Ravenshoe QLD 4888

Telephone: 07 4097 6910


Priest in Charge - Rev William Woodland
Mobile: 0428 976 910
Mobile: woodland64@bigpond.com.au

Priest - Reverend Jo DeLeeuw

Warden - David Brennan
Warden - Jane Cole

Service Times

Sunday: 9:30am St. Barnabas (Ravenshoe)
  1,2 & 4th Sunday Anglican liturgy
  3rd Uniting Church liturgy
  5th Sunday - "Peoples' Service"
 Sunday: 4:00pm St. Michael and All Angels (Millaa Millaa)
  2, 3 & 4th 

Uniting Church Ministers - Sharon Linwood


Meetings & Parish Activities

Meetings - Weekly:

Bible Study, Tuesday 9.30am-10.30am at Brotherhood House


Ladies Morning Tea is alternately in Millaa Millaa and Ravenshoe on the last Wednesday of the month.

Parish Activities:

Weekly Bible Study/ Fellowship Groups at a number of locations and times - contact Rev. Bill Woodland.

World day of Prayer and special Christmas Services (In the two major centres).   

"Torimba" Festival Service in October - St. Barnabas (Ravenshoe)


Further information

18 Moore Street, Ravenshoe QLD 4888, Australia

Contact Us

Phone:(07) 4771 4175


Office Address:
St. James Place
155 Denham St


Postal Address:

PO Box 1244


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