75 Herbert Street, Bowen QLD 4805, Australia
Street Address: 75 Herbert Street, Bowen QLD 4805
Postal Address: PO Box 32, Bowen QLD 4805
Telephone: 07 4786 1078
Email Address:
This Ministry Unit includes the worshipping community at Holy Trinity (Bowen)
Rector - Vacant
Associate Clergy
Lay Minister: Lorrain Muller, Gayle Snell, Jan Ince-Gibbs
Service Times:
Sunday: | 9:00am | Morning Prayer - Holy Trinity (Bowen) |
Melanesian monthly services held in Bowen and Ayr - please contact Father Jeffrey at the Whitsunday Ministry Unit for further details | ||
See Noticeboard in Herbert Street for information on the next Holy Communion Service |
Meetings & Parish Activities
Parish Council Meeting Time: 2nd Thursday of month 4:30pm
Bible Fellowship Tuesday 9:00am
MU First & Third Thursday 9:00am
75 Herbert Street, Bowen QLD 4805, Australia